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Unlock the best Thursday night experience at Qmisk Pub
Qlubbmästeriet IN section Kista (QMISK) is a group of students who work to brighten the lives of KTH students in Kista with Thursday pubs, parties and various other things. When we are not busy with this or after exams, we play with other sections' Qlubbmasteries, at parties or other activities.
Dive into our wide range of beers, ciders, and drinks. For both non-alcoholic and alcoholic options, we have something for all tastes. Not to mention our fantastic signature cocktails that we have every week.
We have a wonderful atmosphere with great music and friendly people. Here you can meet new people and make new friendships. We also have a great staff always ready to help you with what you need.
Welcome to Kistan! Here we have a large venue with room for everyone. You can play Beer Pong, Caps, and much more. We also offer a place to chill with your friends and a fantastic dance floor with great sound and lighting.
We regularly organize exciting themed events at our pubs, where we embrace various themes such as exciting floorball pub nights, intense caps tournaments, unforgettable karaoke nights, and much more.
Vad roligt att just DU hittade till detta hörn av Interwebben!
På Qmisks sida finns en mängd information att hitta som Qlubbm...
Vad roligt att just DU hittade till detta hörn av Interwebben!
På Qmisks sida finns en mängd information att hitta som Qlubbm...
Vad roligt att just du hittade hit!
På Qmisks hemsida finns det massor med information att hämta. Allt från Aktivas favoritdr...
Kul att du hittade hit!
På Qmisk's hemsida hittar du info om allt från vårt reglemente och vad Ovven är, till våra aktiva med...
Kul att se nØllan här i KTH Kista!
Här kan du läsa mer om Qmisk, dess aktiva marskalkar och vad det innebär med overall i mäs...